Picasso's peace pictures...images of hope for then and now

Kindergarten asked if I'd collaborate this week with a spring art projects for their students.  I have one we always do in the spring inspired by Picasso, so I set to work to share it with them Friday.  Then I thought I might as well share it with you too!

"Bouquet of Peace" Pablo Picasso, 1958, Lithograph

Kids love to talk about this print by Picasso.  Those who are familiar with his work know this is NOT his typical style at ALL!!  My son thought it looked kind of sketchy and almost unfinished.  Since Picasso created this image as part of a peace demonstration in Stockholm, I would guess that he was trying to connect with a bigger audience by keeping these prints more simple and universal.

Things to talk about with kids:

  1. What do you see in the picture?  
  2. Are the hands the same person or different people?  What makes you think so?
  3. Although the picture has hands and flowers, is that what it is about?  What other "big ideas" do you think of when you see this picture?

Using a PENCIL, trace your hand and the hand of another person in your home -- work together!  This is about TEAMWORK!

Edit your pencil lines to smooth out bumpy edges and connect the hands to the sides of the paper.  Add details if you want!

Using a black marker or Sharpie, trace over your edited pencil lines.  Erase any stray pencil marks left on the paper!

Using a green art tool (marker, paint) add the flower stems between and behind the hands.  I used several shades of green and varied the lines...some straight, some wavy.  Leave room at the top for the flowers.

Add your flowers!  My son also added bugs.  You can use markers, paint, torn paper that you glue on, cut paper, 3D materials like Model Magic (glue it on)...whatever you want!

A few years later Picasso made this image, "The Dance of Youth."  Notice how similar the style of this work is to the "Peace Bouquet."  Another great choice to use as inspiration for your own home version!  Strike a pose with family and draw them as stick figures, add some flowers and leaves and other symbols of spring, peace, and hope.

"The Dance of Youth," 1961, Pablo Picasso, Lithograph


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