Computer Art Time!!

Today the Stoycheff boys and I jumped into the world of online art making programs.  

When our district art teacher team was asked to compile a list of suggested activities for students to do at home, I mainly added to  the pencil and paper lists.  My colleagues, though, had some great online activity recommendations.  Today we tried two, and added a new one of our own!

Link to the Tate Paint Website!!

Tate Paint has a lot of fun tools and is you classic computer paint program for kids.  Both of the kids dove right in and used the colors and tools to create their own colorful masterpieces!!  Bonus -- you can share your work on the online kid gallery!  You can also download what they made.  I shared Eli's with his art teacher.
Eli's Tate Paint -- "The Super Duper Volcano"

This one had a lot more variety for kids to choose from.  Probably better for some of our younger students, but the boys liked building and playing with it too.  There was a bit more to figure out in some of these games, but kids pick up this stuff quickly!

But, the biggest hit of the day was....(drumroll please)....Pixilart!!!  

Aidan has been begging me to try this out since I showed him a gridded art project another teacher had done using the program.  The Pixilart site lets you make an account that has extra protection for kids under 13, but you can also just play around on the blank page and draw without an account.  It also has cool "stamps" the kids can use of a lot of their favorite game characters (Minecraft, Mario, Pokemon, Star Wars).  We could even download the finished designs (we upped them to 500x500 size) to keep!  We shared one of Aidan's creations with his art teacher as well.

Eli asked me if the iPad had an app, and sure enough, it did!!  The app had a few features missing (stamps and words) but Eli loved it because it had WAY more colors to use!

"Not your usual chicken!"


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