Make a sketchbook!!

So some of my students know I am taking "art teacher classes."  Really that means I am working on my Masters through The Art of Education University!  While we are apart right now, I'm taking a teaching related class, but I'm also taking: 


This week the first assignment is to start a sketchbook, so yesterday I read all kinds of things about starting your own sketchbook as an adult, and then I read about how to use them with elementary students!  They even posted their kid friendly prompts, most of which I already shared with our 5th graders before we left or in this post:  

Anyway, I found a really GREAT tutorial about how to make a sketchbook at home that seems durable, uses mostly common materials, and the bonus is you can ADD PAPER if you run out.  Now, seriously, if you want to make a sketchbook you can always just staple paper together into a book.  We do it all the time on Fun Day at school, and that's mostly how the 5th graders and I made all the ones we sent home with families on the last day we were at school -- we did use the office's fancy "saddle stapler" though.  But right now my own kids are using a regular lined spiral notebook.4

But if you have: cardboard, glue, colored paper, white paper, book rings, and a hole punch, here is a great video tutorial.  Well explained and they look really nice when they're done.


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