More fun stuff to find on the web...

Soon I am hoping to have a blog post up on one of my FAVORITE art activities:  Artist Trading Cards!!  But that is taking a little more research and preparation to put up.  There are a few things I'd wanted to share in the meantime...

From Cassie Stephens

Jason Tharp has a great drawing activity involving dice (from yesterday - click on photo for link).  

 I'll share links for Artist Trading Cards from teacher Nic Hahn's blog, but her website is also wonderful for a lot of projects.  She has tons of labels on the right to customize your search.  

Her first post today is on continuous line drawings, which is when you try to draw an entire picture WITHOUT PICKING UP YOUR PENCIL!!  Fourth grade did this before we made our pipe cleaner portraits!  It makes a great drawing game too.  You can also do BLIND continuous line drawings and NOT LOOK while you do it!
Pipe cleaner portrait -- see how it's all connected???

And last but never least, Mr. J (Jon Juravich) put up a great little idea to use...TOILET PAPER TUBES (you know you've got them!) and make them into little houses!  
I'm compiling a whole blog post of what to do with those TP rolls for the future!  If you have any ideas, please share!


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